Shiva Paintstiks – Full Sized Matte Sticks – Various colors


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Price includes shipping by First class mail package with tracking.

Each Paintstik measures 4 1/2″ x 5/8″ and is wonderful for use with stencils, rubbing plates or freehand on fabric and almost any surface.  They can be applied with brushes, directly using the stick or with your finger and blended. 

Shiva Paintstiks are an oil color in solid form.  It can be spread, blended with linseed oil and any oil paints.

Paintstiks are Non-Toxic, Fadeproof, Permanent and dry in 24 hours.

There is a separate listing for the special colors ie Cadmium colors and the iridescent colors.  They are also available in mini sets and full sets. 

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Paintstik Colors

121201 Titanium White, 121202 Antique White, 121203 Ivory Black, 121204 Paynes Gray, 121205 Pewter Gray, 121206 Mudstone, 121207 Sandstone, 121208 Alzarin Crimson, 121211 Napthol Red, 121212 Barn Red, 121213 Dusty Rose, 121214 Medium Pink, 121215 Tompte Red, 121216 Yellow Ochre, 121217 Peach, 121219 Azo Yellow, 121221 Yellow Citron, 121222 Azo Orange, 121223 Navy Blue, 121224 Teal Blue, 121225 Turquoise, 121226 Phthalo Blue, 121228 Prussian Blue, 121229 Ultramarine Blue, 121230 Slate Blue, 121231 Wedgewood Blue, 121232 Ice Blue, 121234 Mauve, 121235 Grape, 121236 Purple Sage, 121237 Light Green, 121238 Phthalo Green, 121239 Olive Green, 121240 Sap Green, 121243 Celadon Green, 121244 Meadow Green, 121245 Burnt Sienna, 121246 Burnt Umber, 121247 Raw Umber, 121248 Chocolate, 121249 Beige, 121250 Asphaltum, 121251 Old Sap Green